The working hours of the Friday market in Kuwait 2023 in Ramadan

Muhamed abdo - | Business

Details of the working hours of the Friday market in Kuwait 2023 in Ramadan, and the address of the market, Al-Rass, Farwaniya

The date of the Friday market in Kuwait 2023. The Friday market is one of the most famous local markets in Al-Rass, Farwaniya, and it contains a variety of products. The market also includes used goods and various offers on the various products available within it. You can learn through this article on the Al-Youm news website about the working hours of the market Friday in Kuwait and address.

The working hours of the Friday market in Kuwait

You can find out the working hours of the Friday market in Kuwait through the following table as follows:

day Working hours in the Kuwaiti Friday market
Thursday From nine o'clock in the morning until ten o'clock in the evening.
Friday From eight in the morning until ten in the evening.
Saturday From eight in the morning until ten in the evening.
Sunday closed
Monday closed
Tuesday closed
Wednesday closed

The working hours of the Friday market, Kuwait, during the month of Ramadan 2023

The working hours of the Friday market in Kuwait during Ramadan have not been specified, as no statement has been issued until this moment by the Kuwait Municipality regarding the working hours of the market during the holy month. The Friday market in Kuwait is located in the Al-Rass area of Farwaniya.

Friday market address in Kuwait

The Friday market in Kuwait is located in the southern part of the State of Kuwait, specifically in the Farwaniya area within the Al-Rai area. The Friday market in Kuwait opens its doors on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and closes the rest of the days of the week. This popular market is considered one of the most famous markets in the country and is visited by most citizens and tourists.

Ways to communicate with the Friday market in Kuwait

Contact with the Friday Market in Kuwait can be done through one of the following methods:

At the end of the article, we have known the working date of the Friday market in Kuwait, as well as the address of the Friday market, a new used auction. We also know the ways to communicate with the officials of this market.

About Author

Muhamed abdo
Muhamed abdo
486 Total posts

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