A famous restaurant in Abu Dhabi is closed

Abdallah Shahin - | UAE

The administrative closure decision was issued by the Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority against the "Al Nizam Restaurant" facility in Abu Dhabi. This establishment holds commercial license No. CN-1038631 and has been found to be in violation of Law No. (2) of 2008 concerning food in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and its associated legislation. Additionally, the closure is deemed to pose a threat to public health.

The governing body clarified that the food control report, which led to the decision to close administratively, was a consequence of recurring infractions pertaining to food safety regulations. The establishment was issued two violations and a closure warning due to repeated instances of high-risk violations and infestation of insects in the kitchen.

The authority has officially affirmed that the administrative closure decision against this facility will persist as long as the underlying causes persist. However, the facility may be permitted to resume operations once the violations are rectified, all necessary requirements for the activity are met, and the reasons for the closure are eliminated.

The closure and detection of the observed violations are part of the inspection efforts aimed at enhancing the food safety system in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The Authority has confirmed its supervisory role in ensuring that all establishments comply with food safety requirements. It clarified that all establishments, regardless of their nature and food products, are subject to regular inspections by the Authority's inspectors to ensure adherence to food safety requirements.

The Authority has issued an appeal to the general public, urging them to promptly report any observed violations in food facilities or any uncertainties regarding the contents of food items. This can be done by contacting the Abu Dhabi Government toll-free number 800555. By doing so, the Authority's inspectors will be able to take appropriate measures to ensure the provision of safe and nutritious food for all individuals within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

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Abdallah Shahin
Abdallah Shahin
666 Total posts

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