How to submit a complaint to the MOHRE in UAE

Muhamed abdo - | UAE

Confused about UAE workplace complaints? This informative guide walks you through filing a complaint with MOHRE and securing your workplace rights

The UAE, a land of towering skyscrapers, bustling marketplaces, and golden sands, offers incredible opportunities for both businesses and individuals. However, even in this dynamic environment, workplace issues can arise. If you find yourself facing such a situation, fret not! The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) is there to ensure fair treatment for all employees in the private sector.

Submit a complaint to the MOHRE

But how do you navigate the process of filing a complaint with the MOHRE? Worry not, for this guide will equip you with the knowledge and steps needed to effectively address your workplace concerns.

Understanding What You Can Report

The MOHRE handles a wide range of workplace issues. Here are some common scenarios where filing a complaint might be necessary:

  • Salary Issues: This includes late or unpaid salaries, salary deductions not authorized by law, and discrepancies between the agreed-upon salary and what's being paid.
  • End-of-Service Benefits: If you haven't received your gratuity or other benefits upon leaving a job, the MOHRE can help mediate the situation.
  • Work Conditions: This encompasses concerns about excessive working hours, unsafe work environments, or a lack of required breaks.
  • Termination: If you believe your termination was unfair or without proper notice, the MOHRE can investigate the matter.
  • Discrimination: Any form of discrimination based on race, religion, gender, or nationality can be reported to the MOHRE.

It's important to note that this is not an exhaustive list. If you're unsure whether your issue falls under the MOHRE's purview, it's always best to contact them directly for clarification.

Gathering Your Ammunition: Evidence is Key

Before embarking on the complaint journey, gather evidence to support your claims. This could include:

  • Employment contract
  • Salary slips
  • Emails or communication documenting the issue
  • Witness testimonies (if applicable)
  • Any other relevant documentation

Having a strong case strengthens your position and helps the MOHRE conduct a thorough investigation.

Choosing Your Battleground: Different Avenues for Complaint Submission

The MOHRE provides multiple ways to submit your complaint, making the process accessible and convenient. Here are your options:

  • MOHRE Website: The official MOHRE website offers a user-friendly online portal for submitting complaints. You can register, select the nature of your complaint, and upload supporting documents.
  • MOHRE App: For added convenience, download the MOHRE app for submitting complaints on the go. This user-friendly app mirrors the functionalities of the website.
  • Tasheel Service Centers: These government service centers offer in-person assistance for submitting complaints. You can visit a Tasheel center, explain your situation to a representative, and have them help you file the complaint electronically.

Pro Tip: Regardless of the chosen method, ensure you have your Emirates ID readily available during the submission process.

The Complaint Process: What to Expect

Once you've submitted your complaint, here's a general idea of what follows:

  1. Acknowledgement: The MOHRE will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and provide you with a reference number. Hold onto this number for future reference.
  2. Investigation: The MOHRE will investigate your complaint by contacting your employer and gathering their perspective. You may be called upon for additional information or clarification.
  3. Mediation: In some cases, the MOHRE may attempt to mediate a solution between you and your employer. This can save time and resources compared to a formal hearing.
  4. Hearing: If mediation fails, the MOHRE may schedule a hearing to hear testimonies from both sides and make a final decision.
  5. Resolution: Based on the evidence and testimonies, the MOHRE will issue a decision. This could involve receiving your unpaid salary, reinstatement to your job, or other forms of compensation.

Important Note: The complaint resolution process can take time. Patience and cooperation with the MOHRE are crucial for a successful outcome.

Beyond the Complaint: Additional Resources

The UAE government offers various resources and support systems to help employees navigate workplace issues. Here are a few helpful channels:

  • Labour Claims & Advisory Center: You can call their toll-free number (80084) for legal advice and guidance related to workplace disputes.
  • UAE Trade Unions: These unions advocate for worker rights and can provide support in specific situations.
  • Online Forums and Communities: Connecting with other employees on online platforms can offer valuable insights and support.

Beyond the Complaint: Building a Positive Work Environment

While filing a complaint can address immediate concerns, fostering a positive work environment goes a long way in preventing future issues. Here are some proactive steps you can take:

  • Open Communication: Maintain open and honest communication with your supervisor. Discuss any concerns or areas of dissatisfaction early on.
  • Know Your Rights: Familiarize yourself with UAE labor laws and your employment contract to understand your rights and responsibilities in the workplace.
  • Maintain Documentation: Keep copies of important documents like your contract, salary slips, and any official communication with your employer.
  • Build Relationships: Develop positive relationships with colleagues and supervisors. A supportive network can be invaluable during challenging times.

By prioritizing these steps, you can contribute to a more positive and productive work environment for yourself and your colleagues.

The Power of Advocacy: Promoting a Fair Workplace for All

Filing a complaint with the MOHRE is not just about resolving your own situation; it's also about advocating for a fair and just work environment for all employees in the UAE. Here's how:

  • Sets a Precedent: When a complaint is filed and addressed, it sets a precedent for fair treatment within the company and potentially the wider industry.
  • Improves Work Conditions: By bringing issues to light, you can encourage companies to improve work practices and ensure compliance with labor laws.
  • Empowers Others: Your actions can inspire other employees to speak up about their concerns, fostering a culture of transparency and accountability.

Remember, a fair and just workplace benefits everyone – employees, employers, and the overall economy. By utilizing the MOHRE complaint system, you can play a role in shaping a positive future for the UAE's workforce.


Navigating workplace issues can be stressful, but with the proper knowledge and resources, you can effectively address concerns and advocate for fair treatment. Remember, the MOHRE is there to support you. Don't hesitate to utilize their services if faced with workplace challenges. By taking action and promoting a positive work environment, you can contribute to a thriving and just employment landscape in the UAE.

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Muhamed abdo
Muhamed abdo
486 Total posts

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