Sharjah Grants Private Schools Flexibility in Weekday Working Hours Selection

Asma Ahmed - | UAE

The Sharjah Private Education Authority has introduced a measure allowing schools to adopt one of three instructional models—traditional in-person, remote learning, or a hybrid of both—during the upcoming period spanning from Tuesday to the following Thursday.

Schools are now empowered to select the most suitable approach for their teaching staff and students, provided they promptly communicate their decision to the authority.

In a circular dispatched today to educational establishments across the emirate, the authority underscored the significance of adapting to extraordinary circumstances and accommodating the needs of parents, students, and educational staff. Hence, the responsibility to determine the instructional mode—be it in-person, remote, or hybrid—rests with the management of each educational institution, effective from Tuesday, April 23, to Thursday, April 25.

Crucially, schools are instructed to promptly inform the authority of their chosen instructional model via email, bypassing the need for formal approval. This streamlined process aims to facilitate timely decision-making and ensure educational continuity amidst evolving circumstances.

By granting schools autonomy in selecting their preferred instructional model, the Sharjah Private Education Authority recognizes the diverse needs and challenges facing educational institutions during this period. This measure empowers schools to tailor their approach to best serve their students and staff, fostering flexibility and resilience within the educational sector.

Furthermore, this directive acknowledges the importance of transparent communication between educational institutions and regulatory bodies, promoting efficiency and responsiveness in addressing emerging needs and concerns.

The decision to allow schools to choose their instructional model reflects a commitment to supporting the educational community in Sharjah, prioritizing adaptability and collaboration to navigate uncertain times effectively.

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Asma Ahmed
Asma Ahmed
1499 Total posts

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