UAE: An important warning to all citizens and residents of the country this evening

Abdallah Shahin - | UAE

According to the National Center for Meteorology, the weather forecast for today is predicting that there will be a steady increase in the amount of clouds from morning until sunset, on the sea, on the beaches, islands, and in certain southern regions, with the chance of light to moderate rain at times.

The Center reports that clouds move across the country during the night, with some cumulus clouds interspersed among them. These clouds are accompanied by rain, the majority of which is moderate in certain coastal and northern regions, while the intensity of the rain increases in the interior and southern regions of the country, as well as in some eastern regions of the country. The rainfall in Abu Dhabi ranges from mild to moderate, and the intensity of the rain can sometimes rise through the presence of lightning and thunder. Regions located in the interior, southern, and Al Ain areas

The center has stated that clouds will continue to be present over a variety of regions throughout the course of tomorrow, beginning in the morning and continuing through the afternoon. Moderate to heavy rain is expected to fall on a number of southern and eastern regions, as well as on a few areas of Al Ain. There is also a possibility of hail falling. It is important to note that the amount of clouds will decrease as the evening progresses, and the likelihood of rain will also decrease. in general.

During the early morning hours of Thursday, the center noted that active northwesterly winds started to strike the western part of the country and eventually spread to the rest of the areas. As a result, the water became choppy, and temperatures dropped dramatically along with it. It is anticipated that the weather on Friday will be fair to partly overcast, and low clouds will appear over certain regions of the eastern coast. There is also a risk that light rain will occur.

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Abdallah Shahin
Abdallah Shahin
666 Total posts

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