UAE Government: Job type is not a condition for issuing a “family visa.”

Abdallah Shahin - | UAE

The digital government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has officially announced that the requirement of a specific profession or job classification is no longer a determining factor for expatriates seeking residence visas for their families. It is worth noting that foreign individuals currently residing in the UAE are eligible to obtain residence visas for their family members, provided that they possess valid residencies within the country.

According to her, the resident head of the family must meet several requirements, with the most significant being a minimum monthly salary of 4,000 dirhams, or a salary of 3,000 dirhams with housing.

It is mandatory for all individuals within a family who are 18 years of age or older to pass a medical fitness assessment as established by the state. This examination must be completed at one of the authorized health centers.

The digital government has highlighted that under specific circumstances as determined by the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security, a mother has the ability to sponsor her children. It is clarified that a resident can sponsor their parents, as long as they possess an annual residence visa, irrespective of the duration of their stay.

According to her statement, those who are residents and desire to transition their family's sponsorship from a temporary entry permit to a residence visa are required to undergo the status adjustment processes within a restricted timeframe of 60 days from the date of their entry into the nation.

Additionally, she cautioned that individuals lacking medical fitness will not be granted a residence permit. She specifically highlighted that in the context of pulmonary tuberculosis testing, if the results of residency renewal tests indicate the presence of old or inactive pulmonary tuberculosis (TB), the individual will be deemed medically fit, contingent upon subsequent monitoring. The individual is issued a health fitness certificate for residency by the Department of Preventive Medicine, which includes the statement "undergoing treatment." Subsequently, they are granted a one-year residence visa. It is recommended that the aforementioned tests be conducted in the individual's desired country of residence prior to their arrival.

The speaker highlighted that the terms and conditions pertaining to residency visas are subject to periodic modifications. To obtain the most up-to-date information regarding the necessary procedures, individuals may reach out to the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, Customs and Port Security, or the General Administration of Residency and Foreigners Affairs.

According to her statement, there are several government centers dedicated to conducting physical fitness examinations. These centers include Abu Dhabi's residency medical examination and examination centers, Dubai's health fitness examination centers, and the Emirates Health Services Corporation's medical examination for residency permits.

The speaker highlighted the existence of various electronic platforms available for the submission of applications to acquire entry permits or residence permits. These platforms encompass the smart channels for residency and citizenship (E-channels), the official website of the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Dubai, and the application process facilitated by the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship. This study examines the implementation of customs and port security measures on the Google Play and App Store platforms, as well as the Dubai Now application.

About Author

Abdallah Shahin
Abdallah Shahin
666 Total posts

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