Urgent .. UAE warns of successive and rapid rain waves during midnight

Abdallah Shahin - | UAE

It is anticipated by the National Meteorological Center that the probability of precipitation will gradually increase in various regions of the state. This precipitation will be in the form of waves that are consecutive and rapid, and it will be between medium and abundant. Additionally, there is a possibility that lightning and thunder will accompany the rain, particularly beginning at midnight and continuing until midday tomorrow. Additionally, there is a possibility that some cold will fall on certain areas from the east and north of the country.

The center mentioned that the likelihood of precipitation is progressively decreasing beginning tomorrow evening. They also mentioned that the weather is generally gloomy and dusty, and that rain is still falling in certain regions of the state. Additionally, the winds continue to be southeasterly, but they are beginning to transition into a mild northwesterly. With the drawing activity, which is exciting for dust and dust, it leads to a loss in the horizontal visibility, and its speed ranges from 15 to 30 kilometers per hour, and it may reach up to 50 kilometers per hour on the sea, which is turbulent in comparison to the usual wave in the Arabian Gulf and in the Sea of Oman. According to the center, the amount of clouds and rain will diminish beginning the next Wednesday. As a result, the weather in the south will be partly cloudy and occasionally cloudy, and temperatures will drop.

He mentioned that the winds are moderate to vigorous and blow from the southeast, and that they gradually change into a northwesterly direction. He said that the winds are recreational in the Arabian Gulf and in the Sea of Oman.

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Abdallah Shahin
Abdallah Shahin
666 Total posts

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